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About VFW Sidney Severns Post 1351

Our Post is part of the oldest major veterans group in the United States. In 1899, 13 former Spanish - American War soldiers formed the forerunner of VFW in Columbus, Ohio. Today, VFW is considered the elite of U.S. veterans organizations because it demands overseas service in time of war or international crisis to qualify for membership.

Sidney Severns Post 1351 is in the VFW, District 25 of California started in 1989 which is structured to be operationally efficient while providing the highest degree of control of the organization's activities by its membership which is made up entirely of combat veterans.

VFW Sidney Severns Post 1351 was instituted by Bay Area Veterans May 15, 1925. R.
M. Toalson of Alameda County Veterans, directed the institution. Robert W. Willis, as
Commander, headed the officers of the post. Seventy veterans from Oakland, Walnut Creek,
Richmond, and Vallejo attended the ceremonies and banquet held at Pythian Castle.

Veterans of Foreign Wars, Sidney Severns Post No. 1351 filed for incorporation

The Battle of Belleau Wood, 1918

Sidney Severns was the son of Mrs. Ella Severns of Martinez, CA. At the age of 22 he lost his life in the fierce fighting around the Chateau Thierry, France.

Sidney was the nephew of Mayor J. E. Colton. He was born in New York and was a resident of Martinez for fifteen years. He enlisted in the army of President Madaro and was captured by Villa, and held prisoner three months in a Mexican prison. He was rescued through the intervention of the State Department in Washington. He later joined the American Cavalry. He saw service in the Philippines and was transferred at the outbreak of the European hostilities the latter part of November 1917 into the Marine Corps so he could be with the Marines in France. - Taken from The Oakland Tribune obituary June 18, 1918

Our Mission

The purpose of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Sidney Severns Post 1351 Martinez, CA, is to preserve and support the common bond that exists between the men and women who have shared the military experience in battle: A shared sense of duty and a common belief in a cause higher than self. VFW members are here because they understand the true essence of America and its ideals and beliefs and the price they paid to be eligible to join the ranks of the VFW. The Veterans of Foreign Wars has a rich tradition in enhancing the lives of millions through its community service programs and special projects from providing assistance to our active-duty military personnel to raising money to help sponsor the Bay Area Stand Down’s. We provide assistance to local veterans. The VFW maintains true allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the United States of America and defend her from all enemies.

"Honoring the dead by helping the living."


VFW Post 1351
2009 - 2010
Commander: Michael “Mike” Keppel
1954 Redwood Drive
Martinez, CA 94553

Email: grumpy_mike@yahoo.com
Senior Vice Commader: Tom Zamaria
3421 Ricks
Martinez, CA 94553

Email: tzamaria@att.net
Junior Vice Commander: Randall M. Rife
251 Kaimu Street
Pacheco, CA 94553

Email: sstarbough@yahoo.com

Carl Edwards
2137 Knollwood Drive
Martinez, CA 94553

Email: edwardscarl@sbcglobal.net
Daniel E. Pereira
P.O. Box 828
Martinez, CA 94553

Gary L. Rath
389 Skander Lane
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Email: garyrath@aol.com


Click here for the full District 25 Roster.

Email: info@vfwpost1351.org